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点击数:   更新时间:[2012-05-17 16:58]  来源: 重庆华章
 Translate the following sentences:
1. I went to a man who was said to be wise, thinking that there if anywhere I should prove the Oracle(神使) wrong, and meaning to point out to the Oracle its mistake.
2. Yellowstone has everything which appeals to the romantic, geysers(间歇喷泉) which shoot jets of boiling water 200 feet up into the air, a deep canyon(峡谷) where a rushing river pours over mighty waterfalls.
3. Very large numbers often pop up in what may seem at first sight a very simple problem, in which you would never expect to find any number larger than a few thousands.
4. If an opinion contrary to your own makes you angry, that is a sign that you are subconsciously aware of having no good reason for thinking as you do.
5. Suppose that we reckon the whole past of living creatures on the earth as one hundred years; then the whole past of man work s out at about one month, and during that month there have been civilizations for between seven and eight hours.
6. If this is so then the mother, either instinctively(本能地) or by an unconscious(无意识的) series of trials and errors, would soon arrive at the discovery that her baby is more at peace if held on the left against her heart, than on the right.
7. Animals fight; so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized.
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