MBA英语练习 6.18日
点击数: 更新时间:[2013-06-18 15:19] 来源: 重庆华章
Three months after the government stopped issuing or renewing permits for Internet cafes because of security concerns, some cafe owners are having financial concerns of their own. The permits were stopped suddenly three months ago by the government until new safeguards could be put in place to prevent misuse of the information superhighway, but for cafe owners it’s a business breakdown with no fix in sight. “I handed in a request to open up an Internet cafe and received the conditions,” said the businessman Obeidallah. “I rented a place in the Sharafiah district at SR45,000 and prepared the place with equipment that cost me more than SR100,000. When I went to the local government after finishing everything, I was surprised to find that they’d stopped issuing permits for Internet cafes.” Having an Internet cafe without Internet is much like having a coffee shop without coffee. “I’m avoiding closing the place, but it’s been more than three months with the situation ongoing as it is.” Obeidallah said. “Who will bear the losses caused by the permit issue?” The decision took many cafe owners by surprise. “I asked to open an Internet cafe, and I was handed a list of all the things that were needed to follow through, such as a sign for the place, filling out forms,” said Hassan Al-Harbi. “I did all that was asked and rented a place. And after the Haj vacation I went to the local government and they surprised me, saying that there are new rules that forbid the issuing of any more Internet cafe permits and that one can’t even renew his permit. I’ve lost more than SR80,000,” Al-harbi added. As for the government, officials say a method to deal with it is on the way. But security concerns come before profit.
1.The government stopped issuing or renewing permits for Internet cafes . prevent misuse of new safeguards in Internet cafes make cafe owners earn less profit from their business stop the use of the information superhighway on Internet make sure of the proper use of the information superhighway 2.The government’s decision led to the fact that many cafe owners . A.suffered heavy financial losses B.asked to open up Internet cafes C.continued to operate Internet cafes D.asked the government for payment 3.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph “on the way” means . be studied be put into practice be changed be improved
答案详解:1.选D。政府停止发放或更新网吧营业许可证是为了——这是文章在开篇提出的问题,因此到文章第一段去寻找解答。首先说是because of security concerns。选项中没有出现,再往下看:until new safeguards could be put in place to prevent misuse of the information superhighway。
所以是为了在新的防护措施实施之前防止信息高速公路的滥用。选D干扰选项A。new safeguards也是为了防止信息滥用的,而不是在网吧里用来滥用信息的。
2.选A。政府的这个决定导致很多网吧所有者——后文举例两个例子,讲的是两位想要开网吧的老板在提出申请之后,得到一张清单,上面写着要具备什么什么条件,可当他们按照上面的做好,到政府去申请营业许可证的时候却被告知不允许发放网吧营业许可证,之前的准备都白费了。可见政府的这个决定给网吧所有者带来了巨大的经济损失。也可以从第一第一句话中直接得出: cafe owners are having financial concerns3.选B。on the way原意是在途中,引申为即将到来之意。就是即将实施。
全文翻译:在政府停止发放或更新许网吧营业许可证后三个月,一些网吧所有者面临着各自的金融问题。三个月前,政府突然停止发放许可证是为了在新的防护措施实施之前防止信息高速公路的滥用,但是对于网吧所有者来说,这对他们生意是一个看不见定数的损失。“我上交了一份开网吧的申请,然后得到了一张所需条件清单。”商人Obeidallah说,“我用45,000亚尔(沙特阿拉伯货币)在Sharafiah地区租了一个地方,又花了超过100,000亚尔购买配置。当我一切准备就绪后到当地政府去时,却吃惊地发现政府已经停止发放网吧营业许可证了。”没有网络的网吧就像没有咖啡的咖啡厅一样。Obeidallah 说:“我不想关门,但是这个情况已经持续了三个月了,那么谁来承担由此带来的损失呢?”这个决定让不少网吧所有者吃惊不已。“我说我想开一家网吧,然后他们给了我一张清单,上面写着我接下来所有应该做的事情,例如网吧的招牌,填表格。” Hassan Al-Harbi说。“我按照所要求的做了,租了地方。Haj 假期(这个东西好熟,但是就是想不起来)过后,我到当地政府去,但是他们吓了我一跳,说现在有新规定,不允许发放任何网吧的营业执照了,连延长原营业执照的时限都不行。我损失了超过80,000亚尔呢!” Al-harbi补充道。政府方面,官员说即将会实施一项办法来处理这个问题。但是出于安全考虑,营业利润还是次要的。
词汇短语:issue v.发放, 发行;颁布;出版 n.发行(物); 一次发行量; (报刊)期号renew v.使更新; 使恢复,使新生; 使自新; 使苏醒,使复活; 使重新记起; 复兴; 重建换新; 修补; 补充; 加强,重新开始; 继续,准予(契约)展期; 续借(图书等)延长护照、许可证、租约、合同的期限permit n.许可证, 许可, 执照, 通行证 Internet cafe 网吧safeguards n.防护设施 安全保护 superhighway 高速公路; 高级道路ongoing 进行中的 filling out form 填好表格on the way 在途中,即将到来,即将实施