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点击数:   更新时间:[2013-11-08 10:50]  来源: 重庆华章

1.He looked for a table to sit down at, but they were all ___. 
A) served 
B) resorted 
C) reserved 
D) preserved (重庆MBA

2.It is very difficult for us to ___ all the debts in such a short period of time. 
A) accumulate 
B) gather 
C) collect 
D) assemble 

3.Attendances at football matches have ___ since the coming of television. 
A) dropped in 
B) dropped down 
C) dropped off 
D) dropped out 

4.The President is visiting New York ___ the trade talks. 
A) in contrast with 
B) in connection with 
C) in consequence of 
D) in accordance with 

5.The ___ lawyer made a great impression on the jury. 
A) protecting 
B) guarding 
C) defending 
D) shielding 

解析:A) serve vt./vi./n. 为……服务,上菜 eg.~ one’s country 为国效力~ time ( a sentence ) 服刑~ sb. with the tea 为某人上茶~ as an interpreter 担任译员 
B) resort vi./n 求助,凭借,胜地 eg.~ to force 诉诸武力~ to all kinds of methods 采取一切办法 a place to which he is known to~ 人们知道的他常去的地方 have~ to sb. 求助于某人 
C) reserve vt./n. 储备,保留,保存 eg. All rights (are)~d. 版权所有 The first three rows are~d for children. 前三排是留给孩子们的。 ~ seats in a theatre 向剧院订座 
D) preserve vt./vi./n. 保护,保存,防止 eg.~ forests 保护森林~ one’s eyesight 保护视力~ order 维持秩序 
解析:A) accumulate vt./vi. 堆积,积累,积聚 eg. Snow~d to a depth of five feet. 积雪厚达5英尺。 ~ funds for 为……积累资金 
B) gather vt./vi./n. 使聚集,搜集,采集,积聚 eg. The kindergartener~ed the children round her. 幼儿园阿姨把孩子们聚集在她周围。
C) collect vt./vi./adj./adv./n. 收集,采集,募集,使振作 eg.~ stamps 集邮 
D) assemble vt./vi. 集合,聚集,收集,装配 eg. Thousands of people~d in a stadium. 成千上万人在一个体育场内集会。 
解析:A) drop in ( on sb. ) 顺便走访(某人) eg. Would you drop in on us tomorrow evening for a chat? 你明晚有便来(和我们一起)谈谈好吗? 
B) drop down 倒下,顺着(河流等)漂下 
C) drop off 逐渐离开,散去,逐渐减少,睡着,让……下车 
D) drop out 掉落,掉出,退出,隐退 eg. One of his teeth had dropped out. 他的一颗牙掉了。 
解析:A) in contrast with/to 与……形成对比,与……截然不同 
B) in connection with 与……有关,关于,(公共交通工具)与……衔接(或联运) 
C) in consequence of 由于……的缘故 
D) in accordance with 与……一致,按照,依据 eg. We acted ~your wishes. 我们是按照你的愿望办事的。 
解析:A) protect vt. 保护 eg. ~ natural resources 保护自然资源 
B) guard n./vt./vi. 保卫,守卫,看守,监视 eg. The dog ~ed the child day and night. 狗日夜守护着那个孩子。 
C) defend vt./vi. 防卫,为……辩护 eg. ~ a lawsuit 为诉讼案作辩护 
D) shield n./vt./vi. 盾牌,保护,保卫 eg. ~ one’s eyes from the light 遮住光线保护眼睛

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